Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rejoicing in January.

I hope you all feel as good about the start of 2011 as I do. I don't usually catch 'new years fever' but I find myself more motivated than usual lately. Motivation is a tricky little number because you need it to accomplish goals, but accomplishing goals gives you motivation, you know? It's a rather vicious cycle.

Making monthly goals was a great way to start this year off on the right foot. Choosing a race 2 weeks after the holidays was an even better way to make myself workout over my 12 day vacation in Indiana. I worked out every day except the 2 I was down south with Candy. So if you're already thinking about goals for next year, stick a fitness related one in January and it'll help you fight off the festive fifteen pounds people like to gain between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Now that I succeeded in a jogging my first 5k (ordered two action photos Thursday morning), I'm focused on my next goal. February's goal is to complete a 21 day Daniel fast. Some of you may be familiar with the Daniel fast - which basically eliminated meat, dairy, and sweets from your diet...oh and no caffeine. Ack! What you may be less familiar with is the point of fasting. There's research and biblical backing up for several reasons but in my mind, you fast to make a sacrifice physically and in your time to draw near to the Lord and pursue his strength and guildance.

I wish I could share the main things I will be pursuing direction on throughout my upcoming fast but unfortunately, it's not appropriate to talk about them just yet. However, I'll take all the prayers I can get that I don't keel over from lack of protein and that I really discern the Lord's voice in all that I will be processing through.

I've only ever fasted once before. It was when my family had first found out they would be moving to Indianapolis and I felt all the emotions I'm sure you can imagine come with moving smack in the middle of high school. Everythings emotional and overwelming when you're 16, right? I knew the Lord was moving us, that was evident in everything that surrounded our move, but I needed to seek the Lord's strength as I worked through my own attitude about it.

That fast was a 3 day, liquid only fast. It was BRUTAL. Before I lost all the weight last year, I had low blood sugar issues that gave me migraines so bad I'd lose my vision and occasionally throw up. Not fun. But the Lord brought me through that fast with a renewed spirit and I'm confident this fast will also have great spiritual benefit.

I look forward to having both Bekah and Jess going through this with me. There's always safety and security in numbers, right?

I feel excited that February's goal will lead well into March's goal to be Gluten-free for one month. Hopefully you've read my research and thoughts about that already and I won't repeat that to you now. But since the Daniel fast will keep me almost gluten-free for 21 days, the transition should go easier.

I'll be closing out my 4th weight loss competition in February and so far, it's looking like my team will be bringing home the gold. I've previously competed in and won 3 competitions. I'm grateful for the motivation which is fed by my competitive nature but I also look forward to being done with weight loss competitions after this. For everything there is a season, and it's time to finish this one strong.

I've been diligent with my workouts so far this year spending 1 hour a day dedicated to cardio and 30-50 minutes per day on strength training. I've enjoyed watching my body toughen up and I'm excited with the results adding weight training has helped me see. I got tons of great new workout videos and clothes for Christmas and they've kept it fresh for me in 2011.

I hope this year is off to a great start for each of you. Keep me posted on how you're doing with your goals, for those of you who have already shared them with me and of course for those who havent' yet.


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