Saturday, August 20, 2011

Set Backs.

Monday afternoon at Crossfit I was next to a girl for our cool down who was there for her first time. She just bought a month of unlimited Crossfit and she was asking me if I'd been pleased, etc. She then launched into the story of why she was here. Her story could have almost BEEN my story. She started out REALLY over weight. She lost about 100 pounds (I lost 70) and was feeling really good about it...

Then she started dating. Like myself while in a relationship, she let the pounds creep back on and after gaining more than 10 of the pounds back, she panicked. It's not that having a boyfriend in and of itself makes you fat, it's just that spending the time you use to spend pounding it out in the gym, somehow moves over to being (much more happily) spent with the guy you like and amazingly those pounds you worked so hard to get off, come back with a lot more ease.

I couldn't help noticing how discouraged this girl seemed. I felt bad for and I as I cooled down beside her trying to build her up and assure her that gaining a few pound back wasn't so bad - since she realized it early and was actively working to make the changes it'd take to balance a boyfriend AND her health goals. That's when I realized, I could have been telling myself the same thing!

We all have setbacks, it's how and WHEN we react to them and address them that really counts, right?

I may not be quite as skinny as I was in March but I'm not back to where I started either. So compared to this (my very first 'before pic)':

This doesn't seem so bad:

It's a process. And sometimes you'll have a setback. You just can't lose sight of the prize.




FashionablyFit said...

set backs are normal with anything - it's not how many times you "fall down", but rather how many times you "pick yourself back up". for me, it's hard not to judge myself based on how much i have left to improve. rather, we should be looking back & seeing how far we've come.
what a sweet heart you have to encourage the new girl how you did. especially since you can relate. the progress you have made is amazing!! you look terrific!

Ashleigh said...

i am going through some setbacks right now with moving and getting adjusted to a new town, so i totally understand what that is like. you look awesome!

Meghan said...

Amen, girl! You look incredible!

Neely said...

You's a hottie!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you! You look FANTASTIC!! It's not just a boyfriend that "sets you back". Any little thing can get you sidetracked. The important thing is that you get back to it!

Wiz said...

You look great!! I am sure the girl you met, appreciated the advice. Its nice to know that someone has been through the same thing you have.

Amber said...

You're doing awesome girlfriend!

Kenj said...

You are such an inspiration! I love everything you have gone through. You look amazing!!

Janie said...

You look absolutely fantastic!!!

Jessica said...

You look great and you should be so proud of your accomplishments!!