Thursday, October 25, 2012

So I'll Let My Words be Few.

I've received some really sweet inquiries as to my absence (or really, semi-absence) from blog world.  Know that I have more on my plate and my heart than ever before and I'm learning a great deal from this time.  One thing I'm learning through some tough situations is this - it's ok to let your words be few.

For the past few days I've run a gauntlet of emotions but I am trying my darn-est to run it without letting my tongue get ahead of my learning curve.  So until I figure a few things out I'm learning to let my words be few.

'The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences' - Proverbs 18:21

Proverbs is so full of wisdom of the tough-to-learn-variety, isn't it?

Thank you for the out pouring of love and encouragement.  I'm happy to report this has been a really good week.  The Lord continues to challenge and grow me in this season but I am learning to love the challenge, slowly but surely.

And thank you thank you thank you to all who have encouraged me to keep on writing during this season and those to come. One thing I love about seasons, is that even the tough ones come to an end.  My sister wisely pointed out to me that sometimes you feel like you're 0-16 at the end, but it's still an end.  That's football speak for sometimes you get your butt handed to you but it's still an end, eventually.  Right now I'd say I'm looking at 8-8 for this season.

I love you guys.



Café Moka said...

Love that post!

Kari said...

Even though you may go through tough times, you have so many great things to look forward to. I'm glad the past week was a good one, and hopefully this one is even better! {hugs}