Friday, April 27, 2012

Book Club Friday: The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes.

After taking a long break from writing about books on Fridays, it feels good to be back in a groove. For the first part of this year I wasn't particularly fired up about many of the books I was reading (especially finally reading all the freebies I'd downloaded on my Kindle). But the last few weeks I've been devouring books at an elevated rate and I literally haven't been able to put them down.

In March I wrote this post about finishing what I've started, my book shelves. It turned out many of you were up to the same challenge and through Goodreads and Twitter we've been able to do this together. I've loved it! There are few things I enjoy more than nosing around in what you're reading.

Amber from Brunch with Amber and I decided to exchange books (I believe I shared this previously). I went through her 'read' list on Goodreads and told her I really wanted to read this book from her list:

I finished 'Hollywood is like High School with Money' on my flight to Baltimore and immediately grabbed this one out of my purse and dove right in. It was the perfect book for travel because even at 500+ pages, the book itself was small and easy to tote around. By the time I arrived at my final destination for the weekend I was 150 pages in! I read every chance I got all weekend and finished the book after returning home Monday.

It was the right balance of character development, intrigue, and murder mystery to keep my attention. It kept me wanting to know more and pushing through the pages and as previously mentioned, not many books have been able to do that for me this year! I trust Amber's book judgement because we seem to have similar taste in books so I expected that I would enjoy it but I really did love this book. I don't want to give too much away but if you're looking for a summer read that will keep you interested, try this on for size.

I've passed my copy on to Mia so if you're friends with us on Goodreads you can watch to see her reaction in the coming days/weeks as well.

Happy book club Friday to all and happy reading.

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