Sunday, August 2, 2009


The theme for my generation it often seems is the insatiable desire to have it all.  To be, to have, to consume,to experience, to marry, and later to raise the best.  This pursuit takes all of our resources from time to money to what may now be considered most important of all - our connections.  Are we not the generation of 'who you know'?

I often tell my students that I'm glad I never have to repeat the process of getting into college.  With each passing year our nation comes to expect more.  We should be smarter, faster, and more dedicated.  On top of that we should do it with less.  Less money, less sleep, less food, and less family time.  

Barely ahead of the curve is how I would describe my success thus far.  I got into every University I applied too, which was four.  I had good grades but an average SAT score.  I had 25 college credit hours to show I had what it took to survive the college world which I imagine helped my case considerably.  Boiled down, I was a very good candidate.  I wouldn't say I was special or elitist though.

I graduated college with a job lined up in the city I most desired to live in.  This too happened just in the nick of time.  My friends who took an extra semester or year to finish, found themselves taking part-time gigs to make ends meet, trying to find something, anything to use as a jumping off point.  I was fortunate enough not to have to endure this phase.  I interview over spring break my senior year of college and had lined up my job by april before I would graduate.

Now is a tough time to be entering the world of young professionalism.  Expectations are higher than ever and the benefits/salaries are steadily decreasing.  Not the ideal combo.

I imagine the inspiration for this post comes from my reading of the book by Kate White, editor and chief of Cosmo magazine.  The book entitled, 'You on Top' is supposed to guide you on how to get ahead in life, love, and the workplace.  I continue to be struck by the hoops that I'm supposed to jump through, especially as a woman, just to be 'good' at my job.

Now granted, White and I are not on the same page as to what equals success or professionalism (the amount of 'sexiness' she pushes for doesn't sit right with me).  But, she's on to something with this book as she herself has managed from a secular standpoint to dominate one of America's toughest industries, entertainment.  This earns her on at least some level, my respect.

The key I believe is motivation.  Once you've been in a position for a time it's easy to become complacent or comfortable.  To get to the top you have to find  way to keep your motivation to be successful.  I found this great quote today about motivation and I wanted to share it with you...

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. -Zig Zigla



Anonymous said...

I like this post, and agree with what you said about higher expectations with less to give. I feel that way daily here in America- and wonder if it's like that in other countries. I have recently realized that I'm obsessed with watching the clock, and it's said that even in my free time I'm so obsessed with time that I feel I can't fully relax. I'd love to experience some time in a country that doesn't value time the same way we do as Americans. Perhaps I'll notice a change when I go to Haiti for a week :-)

Chelsea Talks Smack said...