Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello Long Weekend.

I don’t know about you but I for one am excited to have a long weekend! I thought a month or so back that this would be the perfect weekend to go somewhere fun. I thought through a million different ideas, with Southwest giftcards burning a hole in my pocket and even my love for a good road trip. But with my recent trip to Indy (2 weeks ago) and 2 trips in June, I decided maybe the best thing to do would be stay put!

I love traveling but living out of suitcase is exhausting and I didn’t buy a home just to be away from it every day and half the nights. You know what I mean? The gypsy lifestyle takes a toll. So, for me this weekend is a weekend to be a home body. I plan to lay by my pool (pictured above) and work on getting disgustingly tan and finishing off a few books.

I’m in the midst of finishing the 3rd Twilight book before the movie comes out. I like the books ok but haven’t been addicted to them so I usually take a couple months off inbetween to read books with at least a pinch more substance before returning to reading another Steph Meyer. I can only handle so much. But I do want to see the movie and I prefer to finish the books before the movie. So, that’s on the list. I’m also working on Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis, a book called Sweet Ruin, and I’ve got a list of chic lit I’ve been meaning to buy on Kindle and dominate in a day or two. So, this is my big chance.
The girls and I are going to have a pitch in at my place Sunday night just to get some food and fellowship in. Not sure what I'm going to make just yet, but I'll come with something, I always do. Maybe I should feed them anything unhealthy left in my kitchen now that I'm trying to be good?! Ha!

I’ve also been promising myself for a while now that I would finally clean my car inside and out. This weekend may just have to be that time. I SHOULD also organize my garage, which I’ve been meaning to do for 6 months, but I’d recommend against holding your breath on that one.

I head to Pittsburgh, PA next week to work with the Steelers. So next week will be a short week, with the office closed Monday and leaving town Friday morning. Wish me luck staying on top of it all until then. I guess it would be wrong to sport my Colts gear in Steeler Nation, huh? : ]



Pat said...

Hey darling sweetheart. I just read down through weeks of your latest post (I am a tad behind) and just wanted to say....YOU ARE PRECIOUS!!!! and I adore you!
The end.

Anonymous said...

TAKE ME WITH YOU! If not, give big Ben a "tsk tsk" for me, and tell him he can hideout in Indy with a couple of diehard steelers fans... Also, a great chick book that I just started is called Full Frontal Feminism. I'll let you know my thoughts when I've finished it.