Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Review: The Glass Castle.

Ever complained to your parents that life just isn’t fair? Jeanette Walls story will make your childhood look like a walk in Central Park. From running from authorities, to bad parenting, to alcoholic parents, to constantly being uprooted her life is one nightmare after another. For a woman on Park Avenue who still sees her homeless parents digging through dumpsters as she drives through town – this story will grip you from page 1 to the end. You will laugh with her, cry with her, and ultimately will her into success by the end of this gripping novel.

Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions as her story pulls at your heart strings and like me, may make you angry. Life may not be fair but it certainly isn’t supposed to be like her childhood. As a social worker by education, it bothered me on a professional level that no one got involved and took note and action to help these children seek a better life.

Walls story is a great example that you do not have to be content to be a product of your environment. She went on to receive and Ivy League education, and later became a successful writer. She and her siblings each found their way to New York and established lives in society there, even while their parents continued to choose homelessness.

A beautiful picture of the powerful bond between siblings and the love of a family, despite all odds. Inspiring, heart-breaking, and utterly fascinating you won't be able to tear yourself. A worthwhile read for all audiences. A life-altering view of the pursuit of the American dream from various angles.

As described on the back of the book it truly is ‘ a remarkable memoir of resilience and redemption’. I highly recommend each of you read it as you have time. I will caution you that the language is rough at times but if you can see past it, the story is one that must be heard.




Mere said...

Thanks for the rec---added to my GoodReads account :-)

JPO said...

B/c of you, I went out and bought "All we ever wanted was everything". Now, I will have this one on my list too!

Love the book reviews!