Sunday, October 10, 2010

Airport Chic - Round... 5?

I know I'm a little overly obsessed with airport styles. But when you travel a lot you can't help but notice what people wear when they travel, and not usually in a good way. It's crutial to be comfy for travels, but being put together is also a must. You never know who you might meet. Thanks to people's StyleWatch here's a few new celeb airport styles I'm digging this week...

Kimmie! She's always stylish. And one of my favorite things about her? She actually wears things more than once. Good girl. These shoes are more than I would go for, but overall I like the look.

Sleek and stylish - lovin it.

Ange...not my fav star but I like her look here.

This is totally not something that would look good on me...esp in that hat! But for her, it works.






Anonymous said...

I would LOVE it if you'd do a post on fashionable, functional bags for books, laptops, and everything in between. I feel too old for a backpack, but it seems to be the easiest thing to use when I must haul everything to work with me for class afterwards.