Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Keeping it Fresh.

If there's one thing I've learned from my recent troubles with weight loss plateau's it's that you have to keep your workouts fresh. Keep surprising and pushing you body to new levels, new moves, and new records. For those of us (ahem, me) that are incredibly competitive even with our own selves, this can actually be fun!

So, in the name of keeping my 2-a-day workouts fresh I have invited Jillian Michaels back into my life in 3 new ways...

I do weight lifting videos in the mornings and cardio in the evenings, typically (depends on how crazy my week is). But I look forward to trying these 3 new videos for my morning workout routines when they arrive (ordered them today). I'll keep you posted!



1 comment:

Kelly and Sara said...

I just got the first 2 dvds, let me know how you like them!