Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ashley Greene is Everywhere.

It seems lately that everywhere you turn (the page) there's another photo or article about Ashley Greene. You may know Greene from her role as Alice in the Twilight Series. Or perhaps because recently people can't stop gabbing about her dating a Jonas brother. But the more I read about her, the more I become a fan. She seems at least in interview to be down-to-earth, a true fashion lover, and in many of her spreads she really keeps things pretty casual and natural (which I read her say once is really her true-life style).

Here she is from Frugal Fashionista the blog -

I love her outfit. She has such a cute sense of style and she seems to know how to dress her body. I have to say the shirt they suggest for the frugal fashionista doesn't do anything for me...but I've got to give it to Greene - she knows how to rock the purples.



1 comment:

tara said...

she is gorgeous. therefore, i hate her.