Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm happy to report that I am absolutely dominating this week, friends. I knew going into it if I didn't hit it hard from the get go I wasn't going to make it. Too much to do, too little time. I'm coming off that post vacay high where you come back and life really smacks you upside the head. I had an amazing three days of relaxation followed by... ta da - the craziest week ever.

You should see my to do list, which is kept organized in it's own notebook, naturally. I have a to do list every day but this week, everyday's list has been 25+ items. Ouch. But thankfully I've had a 2 day burst of energy so far that has carried me through. I've been up before 5:30 both morning, gotten my workouts in, cleaned up my messes, started my mornings off right with coffee and quiet time - you know how I do.

Perhaps this week is made to prep me for the return of event season and being back on the road. Once the chaos of that hits I will be unpacking to repack on the regular. I returned from the Keys around 9pm Sunday night and I depart for South Carolina on Thursday night, straight from my dreaded appointment with the GI specialist (insert scary music here).

Here's to hoping that this level of motivation lasts after my second weekend away. My friend Mel is always telling me that I should be studied. That I must be some rare super breed that scientists should study and clone because there's no other explanation for my freakish levels of organization and motivation. I chalk it up to drinking an over-the-top amount of diet coke and being raised by boarderline super hero parents. I also do as much prep in advance as possible. Sunday evening I packed all my lunches for the week, although todays will have to be eaten another time since I'm getting to catch up with a high school buddy I literally haven't seen since, sophmore year? Panera & Carey? Yes, please.

Last night while I had the entertainment of my friends and taste testers I threw this tray together for game night tonight. I'm pretty stoked to play some cards and make a few new friends and I love to bake for other people (mostly because I love ot baked but I can't, or shouldn't at least, eat them all myself).

I also went ahead and cooked dinner for tonight, last night while they were there to keep me awake. I did crash and burn shortly after there departure but not before setting up for this mornings workout and laying out clothes so when that alarm struck 5:25 I would have no excuse not to get out of bed. I.can.do.this. This week is literally insane BUT so far, so good.

Love, B

Today's workout:

  1. Bootcamp video

  2. Glamour mag's 'sexy shoulder workout' w/8 lb dumbells. Ouch.


FashionablyFit said...

um, i love your tray & the fact that you have PINK container lids. and the napkins, those are pretty amazing as well. you are one organized lady!! holy moly, i'm lucky if my socks match.
i had to check out your blog after you left a comment on mine :) thanks for dropping in! & ms. anson ~ she's pretty amazing ~ i'll have to thank her for referring my blog.
have a good trip to SC!

Unknown said...

That tray is adorable!

Can you bottle up some of that energy and send it my way?? K? Thanks!

Lauren Nicole said...

love your high energized self! & i wish i had half the organization you had. sometimes i feel like a hurricane.. i'm a little bit of everywhere.. always!

have a good trip. be safe! :)


Kenj said...

Oh my my, you are a super hero in yourself!!! I wish I were more like you. Ha. I can be organized, when I want to. Ilvoe that workout/weight lose challenge you did with your friends. I want to conjur up something like that!!

Sarah said...

You have totally motivated me...as I lay here reading your blog and feeling so blah...thanks!! Hope you keep on keepin' on... I'm pulling for you!! Really enjoy reading your blog!