Saturday, July 16, 2011


My roommate (Bekah) and I bought a groupon for 20 sessions of Crossfit. We were a little scared to start this week, feeling like we probably should have been prepping for months in advance. However, we've both successfully completed 2 sessions in week one and even though our bodies haven't been this sore in years - it feels good to be able to get through it.

I'm excited to takemy fitness to the next level and really strengthen my core and build muscle, not just lose weight. It's more motivating being told what to do instead of just making my own workout.

I love the unconventional side of Crossfit. We workout in a parking lot. And let me tell you it's a better workout than any gym workout I've had. I feel excited for the next 18 sessions - let's do this.




Neely said...

OMG I love crossfit! I did it solidly for about a year and now I do the WOD on my own twice a week. LOVES IT!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you've found something you enjoy! I've never tried anything less this, but have heard good things about it!