Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've been so diligently working on this new life plan of mine that I'm actually having dreams about fulfilling my dreams. Ack. I may be over thinking a few things currently. Anywho - life continues to consist mostly of work, working out, friends, reading, and writing for me.

I'm currently studying the book of Ruth with the small group I facilitate. The book we're using for the study is by Kelly Minter, a Christian music artist out of Nashville, TN (a city I've grown to love in recent years). The title is so appropriate - Ruth's story is very much about love, loss, and a legacy.

I have a sweet spot for Ruth since my baby sister is named after her and as I've continued to really dive into the book of Ruth I see why my parents picked it. What a delightful woman to be named after. The bible clearly highlights that Ruth was a woman of both character and good work ethic, two desireable traits.

I've been challenged as I continue to study Ruth about what the love in my life looks like, what kind of legacy I'm building and will someday leave behind me, and how I handle loss. Loss is a bit of an odd topic for me because in many cases (and in Ruth's) that loss is directly related to death. I haven't lost many people I've been close too, with the expection of a close childhood friend to suicide, which I've shared about previously on the blog.

But loss can be much more than through death. So how I handle those situations and where I find my comfort, my answers, joy, and my strength in those times is very much related to my character, is it not?

I'm challanged daily by our study of Ruth and wanted to encourage you all to take a look at it as well.



1 comment:

Neely said...

Sounds really interesting