Thursday, February 3, 2011

There's Safety in Numbers.

As my regular readers know, my February goal for the blog was to complete a 21 day Daniel Fast. Well I'm on day 3 (I started a day early so it will now be a 22 day fast). Thankfully two of my girlfriends - Jess and Bekah signed on to do it with me. As our parents taught us, there is safety in numbers. It's been great to have people to go through this with me and encourage me each in their own way...

Jess picked me up on day two of the fast for my lunch break. We ate Taco Bell's pintos and cheese with of course, no cheese and wandered Marshalls. Jess and I have had similar results from the start of the fast, lack of energy. For two vivacious girls like ourselves, this is a new challenge. We don't feel like ourselves when we're not brimming over with enthusiasm and excitement. We sluggishly plugged through our shopping trip but it sure did wonders for my mood. We also exchanged some fast-friendly food we'd both cooked at home.

After discussing the need for a little TLC, I booked us both appointments to get pedicures after work last night. A much needed time out from life to relax and give in to our bodies desire to be buffed and polished. Pedicures are a real treat for me, I just love them. Almost as much as my monthly facial which is less of a treat and more of a must-have for me (it's worked wonders for my skin). But a trip to viva la diva was a must for us.

Bekah, being far away, has had to be an encouragement in other ways since for the next few months our friendship is long distance. She's kept me going with fun tweets, encouraging e-mails, and a Tuesday night phone date. I've also been wearing out the CD she made me of praise songs in my car as of late. Loving it.

The fast has certainly been trying. I've had a hard time getting in the groove. Day one I felt sick as a dog all day with a terrible migraine and feeling like I was going to pass out most of the day. By Tuesday I was making a comeback, so I thought, but I wore myself out early and found myself in bed my 9:00. I did manage to get in a 45 minute workout Tuesday night before bed though...that I was proud of.

With the pedi to look forward to I forced myself out of bed at 6 on Wednesday morning to Shred with Jillian Michaels. This fast is certainly not about weight loss but I can't afford to get out of my routines for 3 full weeks either, so I'm trying to stay with my healthy workout habits. I struggled through the workout. I haven't felt that weak in so long. The weights left like they weighed 100 pounds instead of 5. I was hurting...but I stuck it out and kept saying 'pedicures, pedicures, pedicures'.

I am not as of yet experiencing the clarity of mind that I've been praying for but I will say my quiet times with the Lord this week have really been uplifting. I'm continuing to work through my homework for my small group which is currently doing a study called 'One in a Million'. Not normally one for homework styled bible study workbooks, this has really been a great start for me. I'm enjoying every day of it.

Thankful this morning for friendships that are uplifting and friends who are willing to suffer with me. : ] Believing firmly the Lord will speak to each of us over the next few weeks and reveal himself to us in real ways. I am praying for many of your readers, especially those of you who share with me what's on your hearts or what's going on in your lives. I'm thankful for each of you but especially those who interact with me.


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